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5 Tips for Starting a New Nanny Job

VIP Nannies

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

woman holding a baby saying goodbye to woman

When we place nannies with their new family, we often get parents telling us that it feels like a huge weight is lifted off their shoulders.

At VIP Nannies, we pride ourselves on providing you with highly qualified and caring childcare staff to help you raise a well-rounded family. We know that the key to successful adjustment starts before your new nanny walks through the door – that’s why we vet the best childcare providers for your family, utilizing our unique match-making process.

Even though we take great care to find the best nanny for your family, there will always be a period of adjustment as you introduce someone new into your home.

We’re always here to help make the integration process as smooth and seamless as possible, and over the years we’ve gathered these 5 tips that will help your family adjust to a new nanny.

1. Establish and maintain boundaries

Nannies spend a lot of time around you, and your children. After a while, it can almost seem like they are part of the family.

It’s important that while you welcome your new nanny with open arms, you set boundaries early.

Just like you wouldn’t want your nanny asking about your private life, keep some distance when asking about their personal life. A simple “how was your weekend?” is polite and shows that you value the nanny’s time off, but asking if they have a boyfriend might make them feel uncomfortable. It could also lead them to believe that they can ask you similarly private questions.

By keeping things professional you are protecting your personal life and emotions, as well as the personal life and emotions of your nanny.

Of course, being friendly and personable is always a good idea, just be mindful of how much information you share. It can be tempting in a moment of frustration to vent to your nanny about the awful fight you just had with your spouse, but stop to think if it’s appropriate that they know that information.

2. Coordinate schedules and plan for the unexpected

Nannies are a godsend because they can help you manage your busy schedule, but it’s important to consider what happens when your nanny isn’t available.

Besides scheduled time off, your nanny could be unavailable at the last minute because of things like illness, family issues, or any other reason that keeps someone from work.

Do you have a plan for when your nanny isn’t available?

It’s best to come up with a plan together with your nanny, so you both know exactly who to call when your nanny isn’t available.

This also creates an environment where your nanny knows that they can take time off if they need it. While this might sound like a bad thing, consider that you wouldn’t want your nanny to push through an illness and risk getting your kids sick just because there was no plan B.

3. Show them the ropes

Before you introduce the new nanny to the children, it’s important to show them around your house, routine, and special people in your family’s life that they may need to communicate with.

It’s a good idea to do this before introducing your kids to the new nanny so that your nanny can feel confident with their surroundings. Children are very sensitive to other’s emotions, and your nanny’s lack of confidence can spread to the kids.

Show your new nanny everything they’ll need to know inside the house – where they sleep, how the appliances work, and where the emergency numbers are. Make sure to add the nanny to the school’s list of adults approved to pick up the kids.

Your new nanny will need to know all of this information, so if you dedicate some time to showing them the ropes, you can minimize the amount of questions they may bother you with later.

4. Plan the first few days

Children are also adjusting to having someone new in their house, so talk to your nanny about what their plan may be for those first few days with the kids.

If your children are especially attached or don’t tend to respond well to new people, consider scheduling your nanny’s first day for when you or your spouse can be home.

Focus on activities that will help the whole family get to know each other better and feel more comfortable with each other. Indoor activities are best for the first week or so, as adding outside interaction can be an added complication.

It’s important to talk to your children about what having a nanny means, and how you expect them to behave with a nanny.

5. Communicate early and often

Keeping the lines of communication open is the best way to ensure a healthy and productive relationship with your nanny. Communicate expectations and boundaries before the first day, so that everyone is on the same page.

A lot of this work will already be done when we match you to a nanny, but it can never hurt to reiterate exactly what tasks you do and do not expect from your nanny.

For the first few days, ask your nanny how the day went, and ask about potential behavioral issues they’ve noticed. Remember, you know your kids best, so if you have any feedback or advice to give your nanny, don’t hold back. The more you communicate, the more you can ensure your nanny is meeting the needs of your family.

Integrating a new nanny into your life can be nerve-wracking. Finding a nanny through an agency, like VIP Nannies, is a great first step to ensure that you are being matched with the best nanny for your family. We’re committed to finding you the best fit promptly and seamlessly. Contact us now for a nanny that matches your needs.



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